Starting things off right with a Bison jam. One baby in the road.
Do you see the big nest near the center of the picture? It was an Osprey’s nest and one was in it.
Just a little Yellowstone Lama Drama…
This was a beautiful spot with the lake and mountains.
This was an amazing vista.
Can you spot the person on the bicycle in the center of the picture. They were some hard core people. They were going from about 6,000 feet to a little over 10,000 feet. Total distance is 63.5 miles. David I think this one may one up the Indy Hilly Hundred.
The views continue to be amazing.
The background is some amazing it looks fake.
A fair amount of snow left for it to be July 14th.
We found the Bear’s Tooth, can you?
Train car road side eatery. The food was really good.
Few turkeys crossing the street. Nice to see them obeying traffic laws and using the crosswalk.
A good view of how the highway twits around the mountain.
A lot of snow left here. I don’t think it is all going to melt before it starts snowing again.
It looked like a cable car line was here. Maybe this is a ski spot in the winter?
Maybe it is a ski spot now?
What I was thinking were ground hogs are really yellow bellied marmots. Can you see the one left of the hole?
Just a few bison on the return trip.
The babies are starting to grow up.
Hey, how’s it going?
This guy was hanging out near the house.