I needed it. Flight out of Indianapolis was delayed. Missed my connection by 10 minutes!!!! Had to spend the night in Minneapolis and continue on the next day to Bozeman.
Sailing with David
Indy 500 2019
Pre-race action included some mean games of Boccie Ball.
On race day events leading to the race.
Seeing some vintage Indy cars.
Checking out the crazy checkered flag outfits.
Some supper cool fly overs!
And then the racing action.
One of the drivers I pulled from the pool won! Money won is twice as sweet as money earned.
One week to the Indy 500
Flash back to the 100th running.
Cold and Warm
No Goldilocks but I did find the three bears
Just a little snow left
Hiking Season is starting again
I had a big surprise. My Google personal search list had NoRooomForDoubt.com as one on my recommended readings. How cool is that!
Off to Canyon to do some hiking. Well still a lot of snow.
Checked out the warning about bears. I have two cans of bear spray and my bear bells on. Also decide to play some Audible and music from my phone to add some extra sound.
Well the path turned out to be all snow covered.
This tree is a visual representation of how I feel inside sometimes.
I found the great Toad King. He was too stoic to speak with me.
The views were great.
Didn’t see the bear but found evidence. Some tracks were clear in the snow. Also found evidence of does a bear s…. in the woods, but you don’t need to see that.
Did a lot of post hole walking so I gave up and turned around. Will have to complete this hike another time.