Long days

I am trying to through work that is being asked of me and put in place some of the things I want to have. To do this I need to put in some long hours. I get to work anywhere from 7:00 AM – 8:00 AM depending how fast I get out of bed. I work until 6:00 PM with a lunch break. At 6:00 PM I walk over to the employee cafeteria and have dinner. Then back to work until about 8:30 – 9:00 PM. Then I head home. Been seeing a lot of darkness.

Time to make Montana official

Today I am going to get a Post Office box so I can have an official address in Montana.

To get there I need to scrape the ice off the car window first. Not the best job. God is good, no door issues or check engine light on the car.

My neighbors are not impressed with my winter living skills.

Just another day in the office….

Where an ice skating rink and campfire is made at the end of the work day….

Some co-workers invited me out to dinner after work. It was really nice. I enjoyed the evening. Back home and now really missing Friday night date night with Janet.